Today was National Foundation Day in Japan, a day celebrating the establishment of the line of Japanese emperors, descended from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Ohmikami; the line has allegedly remained unbroken since the first emperor, Emperor Jimmu.

Basically that means we got a day off from school. 🙂

We finally found the mall in Hirakata today, which is a great thing for fun times but not so much for my wallet, haha. I bought a cookbook and a few other things, but mostly just had fun looking around. Then we went to Mos Burger for dinner, which made me very happy. You never realize how much you miss burgers and fries until you’ve been eating cup noodles and oranges for 3 weeks straight. Plus, these are ~Japanese burgers~; mine had tomato sauce on it that reminded me very much of Chef Boyardee Ravioli. They also have a burger with the buns made out of rice instead of bread. I am so trying that next time.

Two nights ago was one of our friends’ 21st birthday, so we went out to this nice restaurant to order drinks. I at last got to try sake (plum sake), which was completely delicious, and two other drinks. I think Kahlua & Milk is going to get me in trouble from now on…

Tomorrow I only have one class, and I don’t know what I’m doing for the rest of the weekend, but I sure am having fun now. 🙂